Land Clearing

Land Clearing

Sustainable land clearing is an essential part of seeing your land’s potential for developing your homestead.  You don’t want to do anything you will regret. We help you identify your valuable trees, for lumber, mulch, windbreakers, medicine, and more uses.

Services include

  • Cutting down trees and
  • Clearing land for house and or farming.
  • Identifying zones for development
  • Removal of fallen or damaged trees after storm/hurricane
  • Milling trees for lumber

We have been living off grid for seven years. Seeing land taken care, providing habitat while producing food is our passion. This among other things makes us best suited to help make your homestead/country living property a reality.


To facilitate the natural restoration of mental, physical, and spiritual health using God’s original plan for humanity.


To train well rounded individuals in a healthier more sustainable lifestyle, equip to share the gospel with others. 
